
How the diagnosis of an autoimmune immune deficiency disease filled me with more Grace
than I ever imagined and how I am now living in that Grace each day.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Nesting and Cuddling

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I will wake my children, snuggle them a bit, and then drop them off and different friends' houses before my sweet man takes me to CMC Main to have my port procedure. On days before I have surgery, we get all cuddly around here, and we nest. This morning I woke up when Carl got up to go work out, and couldn't stop coughing. When I couldn't fall asleep, I read a little, watched some TV, and waited until it was time to wake Topher to send him off to VBS with one of my best friends. I got him up about 10 minutes early so he could come cuddle in bed with me. We snuggled and talked about all the crazy things going on this week, and he was off to get dressed.

5 minutes later Katie woke up and crawled into bed with me. She curled up in the nice warm spot he left, and we did the same thing. They both wanted to know the specifics of everything. Where were they going each day, what was I having done again, who is bringing dinner (Kids wanna' eat. Like every day!), what could they do to help get ready today? 

After we started the day by burning popcorn and simultaneously melting the thingie that you put on top of the food in the microwave so it doesn't splatter (I thought I turned the BACK burner on to melt the butter, NOT the FRONT burner!!), then cleaning it all up, we got moving.

We did 6 loads of laundry. Katie and I went to the chiropractor and returned a few things to the craft store, then picked up my prescriptions so I wouldn't have to send anyone out later this week to get them. Then we came home and she went to a friend and Topher came home and cuddled some more.

I love that I am able to assure them that I will be ok. They asked questions, and I answered them as best I could. I am getting a Bard Power Port, a purple port that will go into a vein in my neck and sit in my chest. Yes, it's PURPLE!! Too bad you won't see it. 
"The Bard"

Please keep me and my family in your prayers tomorrow. I am nervous, but I have a peace about this. I know that Katie is anxious, and Carl is my rock, but he will be at the hospital with me and it's never easy when your spouse is in surgery. I'm just thankful that Topher is so busy this week. 

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